MATLAB vs Python Computational Speed
Windows Edition Windows 8.1 Pro System Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5500U CPU @ 2.4GHz Installed Memory 8.00 GB System Type 64 Bit Operating System, x64 Based Processor Integrated Development Environment (IDE) Enthought Canopy Version (32 bit) Operation Time in sec (MATLAB) Time in sec (PYTHON) 10 million uniform random variable generation 0.10 0.15 10 million normal random variable generation 0.13 0.40 for loop counting up to 100 million 0.40 11.60 Comparing two vectors of length 10 million each 0.39 0.55 Plotting a histogram of 10 million values 0.89 0.76 Plotting a scatter plot of 1 million values 0.30 0.23 Bit […]
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