Shannon Capacity of LTE (Effective)

In the previous post we calculated the Shannon Capacity of LTE as a function of bandwidth. We now calculate the capacity as a function of SNR (bandwidth fixed at 20MHz and signal power varied). We also use the concept of effective bandwidth to get a more realistic estimate of the capacity. The modified Shannon Capacity formula is given as: C=B_eff*log2(1+SNR) where B_eff=Bandwidth*eff1*eff2*eff3*eff4 eff1=0.9=due to adjacent channel leakage ratio and practical filter issues eff2=0.93=due to cyclic prefix eff3=0.94=due to pilot assisted channel estimation eff4=0.715=due to signalling overhead B_eff=0.57*B Therefore C=0.57*B*log2(1+SNR) Note: This is the capacity in a SISO channel with no […]

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Shannon Capacity of LTE (Ideal)

Shannon Capacity of LTE in AWGN can be calculated by using the Shannon Capacity formula: C=B*log2(1+SNR) or C=B*log2(1+P/(B*No)) The signal power P is set at -90dBm, the Noise Power Spectral Density No is set at 4.04e-21 W/Hz (-174dBm/Hz) and the bandwidth is varied from 1.25MHz to 20MHz. It is seen that the capacity increases from about 10Mbps to above 70Mbps as the bandwidth is varied from 1.25MHz to 20MHz (keeping the signal power constant). It must be noted that this is the capacity with a single transmit and single receive antenna (MIMO capacity would obviously be higher).  

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