Simulating a SISO Ring Model

We simulate the SISO Ring Model described previously by varying the transmit receive separation from 50m to 500m. Keeping the ring radius fixed at 20m the angular spread of the channel decreases as the receiver moves away from the transmitter.

Ring Model

It is observed that the power level of the received signal fluctuates as the distance ‘d’ is varied. However, after a certain critical distance (around 250 m) the power vs distance curve approaches a straight line.

Author: Yasir

More than 20 years of experience in various organizations in Pakistan, the USA, and Europe. Worked with the Mobile and Portable Radio Group (MPRG) of Virginia Tech and Qualcomm USA and was one of the first researchers to propose Space Time Block Codes for eight transmit antennas. Have publsihed a book “Recipes for Communication and Signal Processing” through Springer Nature.

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