LTE Data Rate Calculation
Peak LTE data rate can be calculated using the following parameters: 1 Time-slot=0.5 ms (i.e 1 Sub-frame = 1 ms) 1 Time-slot=7 Modulation Symbols (when normal CP length is used) 1 Modulation Symbol=6 bits; if 64 QAM is used as modulation scheme Data rate for a single carrier=Number of symbols per time slot*Bits per symbol/Duration of a time slot=7*6/0.5e-3=84kbps If 1200 carriers (100RBs) are used then the aggregated throughput would be=1200*84kbps=100.8Mbps If 4×4 MIMO is used then the capacity would increase four fold to=403.2Mbps With 3/4 channel coding the data rate would be reduced to=302.4Mbps Note: 1. A Resource Block […]
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